Monday, February 22, 2010

Pidge In The Kitsch

"excessively garish or sentimental art; usually considered in bad taste"
"art, decorative objects and other forms of representation of questionable artistic or aesthetic value"
"art using popular culture icons, mass-produced objects; means 'worthless' in German"

Just call us the queens of bad taste, for we pigeons love kitsch. We have, to borrow a phrase from the good folks at Regretsy (one of our favorite sites!), an overdeveloped sense of 'whimsicle fuckery'. There's a lot of blogs devoted to kitschy stuff. It seems that people usually lump it together with vintage stuff, though I don't necessarily agree with that particular coupling, and it doesn't usually fit the type of kitsch I personally surround myself with.

What I really had trouble finding was a blog that was devoted to the kitsch we pidges surround ourselves with every day. I follow a blog called Saucy Dwellings, where people show off their (you guessed it) awesome homes, and I covet much that I see there. But I never feel my own home is worth showcasing because it just isn't saucy enough; I'm disorganized, I'm messy, and we often look very LIVED IN over here. Not to mention that with my very full life, I never take time to attempt to decorate in a cohesive fashion - those plans live in my head, for 'when I'm rich'. So I cover, and dream, and occasionally I get to share a piece of some of my very saucy kitschy items in the 'open sauce' posts they feature.

I dream of a space on the 'net where people like me can come and show off their wonderful, saucy, kitschy, bizarre, whimsical, and even WHIMSICLE treasures. I want this to be a community blog, so please submit your favorite kitschy items to us at (EMAIL COMING SOON, FOR NOW JUST COMMENT IF YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SHARE). Give us your best pictures, tell us what it is (if we can't tell!), why you love it, where you got it, stories about it, anything that strikes your fancy. And maybe you'll see your lovely kitschy items featured here!

Go with gaud,


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